Now activate and get ready to ride
Download the app
Download the app to your smartphone:
- Android phones: Google Play
- iOS iPhones: App Store (coming soon)
Pay the Maintenance Fee
To use the power meter, you need to pay the maintenance fee. Either once-and-for-all or as a monthly fee. The first month is free, so you can postpone this for a while or do it right away.
No matter how you want to roll, the information about the maintenance fee needs to be transferred into the power meter. This happens when you connect the app to the power meter.
After doing this, you should complete a simple calibration from the app or bike computer (head unit) and you are good to go.
Enjoy your test ride!
Setup Account
Sign up to create a Team ZWATT account so you have a common login between web and app:
Setup Account
Sign up to create a Team ZWATT account so you have a common login between web and app: